Date: 3/30/2000, 10:55 pm
> I found the "Scary Sharp" sequence, about putting a wicked edge
> on your cutting tools using cheap automotive papers. Sounds marvelous. The
> link is given below.
> Spidey
Hey Spidey,
For a "scary sharp" edge I have been using "self adhesive" sandpaper in 15 micron, 5 micron and .05 micron grits from Lee Valley [I have to learn to stay OUT of that store!!!]. I stick the sandpaper on to a sheet of plate glass and use it as a final honing - does the edge ever shine! Great for plane blades!
The problem with regular steel scraper blades is that the fiberglass fibers are harder that the steel and dull a steel edge very quickley. carbide blades are harder that the glass.
Take a look at the Sandvik carbide scrapers at Home Depot. The blade is about 2" wide with a slight rocker [about .040]. Since I bought one I have not had to bother sharpening a scraper. I have used [and abused - scraping metal] the carbide blade for quite a while now and it is still usable. I paid about $14.00 Cndn for mine. There is a two-handed version available but I have only seen it at Lee Valley for +$30.00. Replacement blades are available.
The term "scary sharp" is used often now - I first heard it from my son when he was about 4 years old. Kenny was in my workshop and I was showing him a wood chisel. After Kenny seeing it cut through spruce with out any effort he described it as "scary sharp". I asked him what he meant by "scary sharp' and he said it was "so sharp that it could cut you and you would not even feel it - you would just leak blood". Good description in my books!
Messages In This Thread
- The survey continues... the next steps.
Hank -- 3/30/2000, 11:38 am- Re: Scary Sharp Webpage
Spidey -- 3/30/2000, 9:42 pm- Re: Scary Sharp personal defination
Hank -- 3/30/2000, 10:55 pm- Re: Scary Sharp Webpage
lee -- 3/30/2000, 10:47 pm - Re: Scary Sharp Webpage
- Re: The survey continues... the next steps.
Spidey -- 3/30/2000, 7:48 pm- Re: The survey continues... the next steps.
Rehd -- 3/30/2000, 8:54 pm- Re: The survey continues... the next steps.
Spidey -- 3/30/2000, 9:38 pm- Re: The survey continues... the next steps.
Rehd -- 3/30/2000, 8:57 pm - Re: The survey continues... the next steps.
- Re: The survey continues... the next steps.
- Sealing coat... watch out!
Marcelo 9 7/8 -- 3/30/2000, 5:17 pm- Re: Sealing coat... watch out!
Derek Schumann -- 3/31/2000, 10:03 am
- Re: more sanding thoughts
Dean Trexel -- 3/30/2000, 1:06 pm - Re: Scary Sharp personal defination
- Re: Scary Sharp Webpage