Boat Building Forum

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I vote - Precoat
By:Derek Schumann
Date: 3/31/2000, 1:18 pm
In Response To: Precoat or not?- A survey (Larry C.)

It depends if I have time for it! But generally I use a sealer coat. A sealer coat has saved me a few times, Just the other night I Sealed my double, the next day I noticed a ugly spot that got missed during inspection. I was able to sand it out. otherwise I would have had to live with the imperfection forever.


Messages In This Thread

Precoat or not?- A survey
Larry C. -- 3/31/2000, 12:28 pm
Re: Precoat or not?- A survey
Nolan -- 4/3/2000, 7:30 am
Re: Precoat or not?- A survey
Steve McDonald -- 3/31/2000, 7:23 pm
Re: Precoat or not?- A survey - NOT
Larry Thompson -- 3/31/2000, 7:22 pm
Re: Precoat or not?- A survey
john -- 3/31/2000, 5:12 pm
Re: Precoat or not?- A survey
John B. -- 3/31/2000, 5:54 pm
Re: Precoat or not?- A survey
lee -- 3/31/2000, 6:02 pm
Re: Precoat "Clearification"..Please
Rehd -- 3/31/2000, 4:00 pm
Re: Precoat "Clearification"..Please
Hank -- 3/31/2000, 10:45 pm
Re: YES! . . . NO! . . . maybe?
Spidey -- 3/31/2000, 3:47 pm
Re: Precoat - Yes
Hank -- 3/31/2000, 3:42 pm
Re: Precoat? - Never again!!
John Michne -- 3/31/2000, 2:55 pm
Re: Precoat? - Yes sir
Bill Heuser -- 3/31/2000, 3:54 pm
Re: Another vote for Precoat
Tim Stough -- 3/31/2000, 1:42 pm
I vote - Precoat
Derek Schumann -- 3/31/2000, 1:18 pm
Re: Precoat or not?- A survey
Dean Trexel -- 3/31/2000, 1:14 pm