Boat Building Forum

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Re: YES! . . . NO! . . . maybe?
Date: 3/31/2000, 3:47 pm
In Response To: Precoat or not?- A survey (Larry C.)

Hi Larry;

If I were doing my first layup myself, I probably would have gone with a precoat just because I suspect it allows one to move a bit more liesurely wetting out the glass later, and getting it right. But a friend who's been laying up glass for 40 years is going to assist me with my hull, and he'll have no part of any precoat. He feels it's in the realm of amateurs (uh, . . . like me probably:-) and that no professional would ever precoat. He claims when he went upstate to do his dad's strip built canoe, that once his dad saw him do it he said "If I had known it was so easy I wouldn't have even bothered you."

Much of what my friend tells me is so contrary to what our "epoxy how-to's" say that if he hadn't been doing it professionally for so long I probably wouldn't let him within 100 yards of my kayak! But I've seen his stuff and it's good.

When we've completed the hull (now scheduled for Mon, 4-3), I'll certainly relate what transpired and how it turns out.

Wow! Kinda wordy for a survey response . . . Spidey

Messages In This Thread

Precoat or not?- A survey
Larry C. -- 3/31/2000, 12:28 pm
Re: Precoat or not?- A survey
Nolan -- 4/3/2000, 7:30 am
Re: Precoat or not?- A survey
Steve McDonald -- 3/31/2000, 7:23 pm
Re: Precoat or not?- A survey - NOT
Larry Thompson -- 3/31/2000, 7:22 pm
Re: Precoat or not?- A survey
john -- 3/31/2000, 5:12 pm
Re: Precoat or not?- A survey
John B. -- 3/31/2000, 5:54 pm
Re: Precoat or not?- A survey
lee -- 3/31/2000, 6:02 pm
Re: Precoat "Clearification"..Please
Rehd -- 3/31/2000, 4:00 pm
Re: Precoat "Clearification"..Please
Hank -- 3/31/2000, 10:45 pm
Re: YES! . . . NO! . . . maybe?
Spidey -- 3/31/2000, 3:47 pm
Re: Precoat - Yes
Hank -- 3/31/2000, 3:42 pm
Re: Precoat? - Never again!!
John Michne -- 3/31/2000, 2:55 pm
Re: Precoat? - Yes sir
Bill Heuser -- 3/31/2000, 3:54 pm
Re: Another vote for Precoat
Tim Stough -- 3/31/2000, 1:42 pm
I vote - Precoat
Derek Schumann -- 3/31/2000, 1:18 pm
Re: Precoat or not?- A survey
Dean Trexel -- 3/31/2000, 1:14 pm