Coho Keel Strip
By:Bruce Kahn
Date: 4/2/2000, 5:35 pm
Date: 4/2/2000, 5:35 pm
I have just glassed the hull of my Coho. Came out O.K., but next time I'll either borrow a few extra hands, work in cooler weather, or buy some slow set hardener. My question has to do with the keel strip. The Pygmy directions discuss applying the fill coats of resin on the hull, then glassing in the keel strip. Seems like the strip should go on before I layer in the fill coats. Any feedback? Also, does anyone know what the push-pins that come with the Coho kit are for? I can't figure out when & where they are to be used. Thank you for your help on these questions.
Messages In This Thread
- Coho Keel Strip
Bruce Kahn -- 4/2/2000, 5:35 pm- Re: Coho Keel Strip
David -- 4/3/2000, 4:37 pm - Re: Coho Keel Strip
Chuck -- 4/3/2000, 1:00 pm - Re: Coho Keel Strip
Dean Trexel -- 4/3/2000, 7:51 am - Re: Coho Keel Strip
Paul G. Jacobson -- 4/2/2000, 6:14 pm
- Re: Coho Keel Strip