I need advice on these plans
By:David Blodgett
Date: 4/2/2000, 10:05 pm
Date: 4/2/2000, 10:05 pm
I have made a few designs on g carlsons hull design program. if u could take a look at these designs and tell me what you think, I would really appreciate it. They are posted on my websight and the prog is there too... thanks.look at the bottom of the kayak bukilding page. thanks DAVE
Messages In This Thread
- I need advice on these plans
David Blodgett -- 4/2/2000, 10:05 pm- Re: I need advice on these plans
Nolan -- 4/3/2000, 7:27 am- confused
David Blodgett -- 4/3/2000, 8:30 am- Re: confused
mike allen ---} -- 4/4/2000, 2:08 pm
- Re: confused
- confused
- Re: I need advice on these plans