Date: 4/3/2000, 7:25 pm
Just an aside- I have had trouble with the epoxy that comes with both CLC and Pygmy kits in terms of drips forming after a filler coat. It's tremendously frustrating to have a smooth hull in the evening and a lineup of drips in the morning.
The obvious response is that I'm putting too thick a coat on, but I've found that drips are virtually non-existent when using West System epoxy. It's expensive, but it sems to cling a lot better while retaining workability.
> I just put on the precoat layer of resin last night (I finished this
> morning at 5:00 AM DST). Anyway I noticed when I got up that I have a
> little too much resin in a few spots and it is sagging (not quite
> running). Should I worry about, or do anything about this, or should I
> just lay the cloth over it while it's still soft and continue with the
> fiberglassing?
> Also, for the future should I have just been painting it on like I did or
> should I have been squeeging off any excess so it would be just wet? I
> just had way to much to do with the rovings of 3 combings and it would
> start to thicken before I could squeegee it off.
> If none of this babble makes any sense it's because I'm real tired, well
> that's my excuse anyway.
Messages In This Thread
- precoat problems
Dale Frolander -- 4/2/2000, 3:09 pm- Re: precoat problems
Berkeley C. -- 4/3/2000, 7:25 pm - scrape..............
Doug K -- 4/3/2000, 8:36 am - Premature panic
Dale Frolander -- 4/2/2000, 11:12 pm- Re: Premature panic and F-16's
Spidey -- 4/3/2000, 12:44 am- Re: Premature panic and F-16's
Dale Frolander -- 4/3/2000, 6:54 am
- Re: Premature panic and F-16's
- Re: Premature panic and F-16's
- Re: precoat problems
Paul G. Jacobson -- 4/2/2000, 6:31 pm- Re: precoat problems
lee -- 4/3/2000, 9:20 pm - Re: precoat problems
Larry Thompson -- 4/2/2000, 8:14 pm- I agree
Larry C. -- 4/3/2000, 7:43 pm- Re: I don't (no text)
Spidey -- 4/3/2000, 10:21 pm
- Re: I don't (no text)
- Let's give George credit on this one.
Paul G. Jacobson -- 4/3/2000, 12:40 pm
- I agree
- Re: precoat problems
- Re: precoat problems