Date: 4/4/2000, 12:48 pm
Careful with the pin idea -- you might up planing/sanding down to it during the fairing stage! That would lead to an 'aw, shucks' or worse.
Another brain fart: you know how roof trusses are made with steel plates that have barbs formed into them? Is there a similar product on a much smaller scale for modelmakers? I'm trying to think of ways to join the strips on the backside only...
> I am assembling the entire design on my workbench first so when I glued
> them up; I glued them as a straight stick on the workbench, with no clamp
> directly over the joint.
> I was just thinking of my model building days of when I would use a
> straight pin through the joint to secure everything together. I just have
> to do it in a way that I would never see the hole created by the pin.
> Now that makes me think what about CA, I know the subject has come up on
> the board before, but I can not find anything about how the joint will
> hold up under stress. Then what about how epoxy curing over it.
> CA tends to dry very white, so how noticeable would it be?
> Jason
Messages In This Thread
- Scarf joint problem (1/4" x 3/16 strips)
Jason -- 4/4/2000, 10:00 am- Update
Jason -- 4/5/2000, 9:39 am- joint problems
Paul G. Jacobson -- 4/4/2000, 10:45 pm- Re: Scarf joint problem (1/4" x 3/16 strips)
Al Bratton -- 4/4/2000, 10:01 pm- Re: Scarf joint problem (1/4" x 3/16 strips)
Don Beale -- 4/4/2000, 4:16 pm- Re: Scarf joint problem (1/4" x 3/16 strips)
Bill Heuser -- 4/4/2000, 3:09 pm- cutting a scarf
Jason -- 4/4/2000, 3:52 pm
- Bending Scarfs
mike allen ---} -- 4/4/2000, 1:55 pm- Re: Scarf joint problem (1/4" x 3/16 strips)
Dean Trexel -- 4/4/2000, 11:26 am- Re: Scarf joint problem (1/4" x 3/16 strips)
Jason -- 4/4/2000, 12:26 pm- Re: Scarf joint problem (1/4" x 3/16 strips)
Dean Trexel -- 4/4/2000, 12:48 pm- Re: Scarf joint problem (1/4" x 3/16 strips)
Jason -- 4/4/2000, 12:58 pm- Re: Scarf joint problem (1/4" x 3/16 strips)
Dean Trexel -- 4/4/2000, 2:49 pm
- Re: Scarf joint problem (1/4" x 3/16 strips)
Jim McCool -- 4/4/2000, 12:37 pm - Re: Scarf joint problem (1/4" x 3/16 strips)
- Re: Scarf joint problem (1/4" x 3/16 strips)
- Re: Scarf joint problem (1/4" x 3/16 strips)
Chris Casazza -- 4/4/2000, 11:26 am- Re: Scarf joint problem (1/4" x 3/16 strips)
Hank -- 4/4/2000, 10:44 am- Re: Scarf joint problem (1/4" x 3/16 strips)
Jason -- 4/4/2000, 10:49 am
- Re: Scarf joint problem (1/4" x 3/16 strips)
Ross Leidy -- 4/4/2000, 10:29 am - joint problems
- Update