Date: 4/6/2000, 11:14 pm
Hi Tim, this is one of those personal preference things. If the bulkhead is just at the coaming then there is just enough room for a small drybag and misc. stuff. Having the bulkhead 3-5inches back gives enough room for a medium drybag or an electric water pump with room for more. Also with the bulkhead back a bit you'll get a little more back deck support for sitting right on the deck. I'd opt for 3 inches back. Even though you'll get a little more water in the cockpit the shape of the hull has more to do with how much water gets in, in other words a big boat will still have a lot of water, a skinny boat not as much. If you make a web of 3/16" bungie over the area behind the seat then stuff is less likely to float out. -lee
Messages In This Thread
- Bulkheads
Tim -- 4/6/2000, 8:46 pm- Re: Bulkheads
lee -- 4/6/2000, 11:14 pm- Re: Bulkheads
pete czerpak -- 4/7/2000, 8:30 am- Re: stuff
lee -- 4/7/2000, 10:35 am
- Re: stuff
- Re: Bulkheads
erez -- 4/6/2000, 10:20 pm- Re: Bulkheads
Dean Trexel -- 4/6/2000, 8:56 pm- Top or middle of bulkhead?
Dale Frolander -- 4/6/2000, 10:13 pm- Re: Top or middle of bulkhead?
Dean Trexel -- 4/7/2000, 7:29 am- Re: Top or middle of bulkhead?
Jack Martin -- 4/6/2000, 10:34 pm - Re: Top or middle of bulkhead?
- Re: Top or middle of bulkhead?
- Re: Bulkheads
- Re: Bulkheads