Date: 4/7/2000, 2:57 pm
Mick, Interesting idea. I would like to see pictures of the assembly (and the beer support!) If you try to build as fast and cheap as possible, the single boxbeam method is unbeatable in the long run (1/2 sheet of plywood only!). Stiffness IS the main issue if the whole kayak (a sheet of particleboard and the spine itself) bears down on a 2x4 or 2"x5" box beam. The A frame I was referring to are just two prop-up sticks duck-taped together so that they don't spread apart. It takes 10min to set-up. This is only necessary until the hull is half way done. Vaclv
> The utility of being able to wheelbarrow the kayak (on a slightly modified
> longitudinally oriented sawhorse) around is something that I'd be loathe
> to give up, as well as being able to rotate it on it's axis in order to
> support the beer cans.
> If stiffness is even close to an issue, maybe another similar approach
> would be to build one 8ft 3inx5in box strongback, w 2 others at 2inx4in by
> say 7ft long. One of the small ones w/ a pin 1inx3in by 12in, sticking out
> 6in.
> Thread the 2 small ones inside the long one - and they pin together. Prob
> real stiff. Easy to store. Make another shorter small one for the small
> kayaks.
> -mick
Messages In This Thread
- aligning forms on strongback
helster -- 4/5/2000, 8:09 pm- Strings, Lasers and Stiffnesses
mike allen ---} -- 4/6/2000, 6:49 pm- Re: Laser Alignment
Nick Schade - Guillemot Kayaks -- 4/6/2000, 9:12 am- Re: Laser Alignment
Dean Trexel -- 4/6/2000, 9:42 am
- Re: aligning forms on strongback
Vaclav -- 4/5/2000, 11:10 pm- Another Strongback Idea
mike allen ---} -- 4/7/2000, 12:17 pm- Boxbeam spine
Vaclav -- 4/7/2000, 2:57 pm
- Re: aligning forms on strongback
helster -- 4/5/2000, 11:27 pm - Boxbeam spine
- Re: aligning forms on strongback
Paul G. Jacobson -- 4/5/2000, 9:35 pm - Re: Laser Alignment
- Strings, Lasers and Stiffnesses