Date: 4/7/2000, 6:47 pm
Here's a suggestion I got from the clerk in the fabric section of a dept. store the other day ...
I wanted some nylon webbing, and all they had was white and black ... the sales clerk suggested dyeing the nylon with RIT fabric dye - she claims (but I haven't tried it) that nylon picks up the color well,
So, in theory, you could dye nylon rope, the outer covering of the bunge, nylon seat covers, backrest covers, etc any custom color you want. The only thing I've ever dyed is the clear plastic tubing to make custom colors for a 36" fishing lure called "the tube and worm". Works great for large striped bass (I'm a catch and release fisherman). Put some dye in simmering water in a old pan, and some vinegar (up to 50%), (and some people add salt), then the items...let it cook for 5-10 min, and viola! Hey, you have a custon 'yak, why not custom colors for the rigging, etc. Not sure if this process will affect the rubber core of the bungee, but I'll probably try it when I get to the point of rigging.
Messages In This Thread
- Bungee/webbing sources
Terry -- 4/7/2000, 12:58 pm- Re: Bungee, Webbing & Hardware Source
Dave Houser -- 4/9/2000, 9:01 pm- Re: Bungee/webbing sources
Greg Hicks -- 4/7/2000, 1:57 pm- Re: Bungee/webbing sources
James Cook -- 4/7/2000, 2:01 pm- Re: Bungee/webbing sources
John B. -- 4/7/2000, 6:47 pm- Re: Bungee/webbing sources...and VELCRO
John B. -- 4/7/2000, 7:43 pm
- Re: Bungee/webbing sources...and VELCRO
- Re: Bungee/webbing sources
- Re: Bungee/webbing sources
- Re: Bungee, Webbing & Hardware Source