Re: You are addicted!
Date: 4/7/2000, 10:57 pm
Date: 4/7/2000, 10:57 pm
In Response To: Spidey (Jason)
Hi Jason;
Pretty slick stuff, that steam, eh? I would prepare a strip, twisted, bent, beveled, and tapered. Then being addicted like you, call my wife into the garage, hand her this bent and twisted pointy stick, and say, "Place it in there" pointing to the hull. The first 25 times she acted surprised that it layed perfectly where it belonged and blended right into the hull. The next 25 times she couldn't hear me call her, for some reason . . . 8-)
Glad you are enjoying steam, I sure do, Spidey
Messages In This Thread
- Spidey
Jason -- 4/7/2000, 9:53 pm- Re: You are addicted!
Spidey -- 4/7/2000, 10:57 pm
- Re: You are addicted!