Date: 4/8/2000, 6:52 pm
Hi All;
I just received my "Surf Shop" catalog today, the source I gave a few days ago for Ding-All epoxy and cloth. It is a 6 page surfboard builder's catalog, so if you are not interested in the glass & epoxy, there is not much there for you.
However . . . ;-), I did find 2 items that have popped up in recent weeks discussions. One is laminating paper, the kind made to run through an inkjet and then glass over. They do a lot of that with surfboards. They also have color pens and airbush inks made to be glassed over. The other was what appears to be a flush deck fitting for rigging. For those that don't absolutely require wood fittings this might work.
Here's a scan of the 2 items, and a link to their web page - Spidey