Boat Building Forum

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Some Ideas
By:mike allen ---}
Date: 4/11/2000, 12:07 pm
In Response To: project idea... will it work? (David Blodgett)

> ok my idea is to make a squirt boat in stitch n glue style. I have a
> design made with the huls program that seems to work when I make a model
> of it. the basic shape will be flat bottom with a 2 chined side. the deck
> will be inverted in the middle. to really understand the design you
> shouold download the files off my homepage.

> ok my design is not the least of my worries. if I plan to take this boat
> on whitwater what kind of cloth should I lam on to it... I am planing on
> taping the seams on the inside of the hull and using a full sheet of
> fibreglass inside and outside the hull and the same for the deck. I will
> be using 10 oz. 4" tape "what I have sitting around" and 6
> oz s glass I will be using west system not polyester crap. I will end up
> haveing 2 peices of the boat to join... and I will do that with the 10 oz.
> tape. should I invest in some kevlar tape? or even carbon?

Right clicked on yer dwg and now see it. Basically your xsection looks great! But some thoughts:

1/Your most difficult part is going to be the deck. Compound curves will be necessary, so curving the ply across the xsect will limit what you can form. Use Tim Stoughs idea(apr2?) and make the deck into 4pcs. Then it can curve all over the place in both directions depending on the volume that you desire.

2/Side (#3) pcs will give the profile of the yak and will consequently have much curvature to them. Shear clamps will prob not follow the curves, (but I would make a million little triangular 3in long shear clamp gussets to do approx the same thing-I'd like to waffle here-maybe seam glass is strong enough). Continuing the fear for a sec, I think the simplest pt of failure will be the seams, so you must design them to be as strong as the adjacent ply- say only aroung the cockpit and legs - cloth will work - but maybe triang 1/2in by 1/2in at 3in long gussets(butted) will make it easier.

3/If you want sharp rails(and you do), reduce side#3 down to nothing at the ends. Or do that and maybe even twist side 2. Then you'll even rival the 'Slice'.

4/ You may want to lessen the angle of #2.

5/ Make the cockpit recess sim to the guillmot approach of just laying a curved horizotal across the yak body, and in one simple move have somewhat of a recess.

6/ As lee said - you WILL use 4in wide foam pillar front and back. Absolutely no question.

7/Since the ply is stiff, I would be tempted to put just synthetic on the i/s. For the wood on the ext, my guess would be the one 6oz s glass layer but reinforced every where important - ends, seams, cockpit.

8/ And more than anything - GOOD LUCK -


Messages In This Thread

project idea... will it work?
David Blodgett -- 4/9/2000, 9:25 pm
Some Ideas
mike allen ---} -- 4/11/2000, 12:07 pm
Re:ditto Walbridge and D.D
lee -- 4/10/2000, 10:58 pm
Re: project idea... will it work?
David Dick -- 4/9/2000, 10:34 pm
Re: project idea... will it work?
Dean Trexel -- 4/9/2000, 9:54 pm
Re: project idea... will it work?
David Blodgett -- 4/10/2000, 8:41 am
Re: project idea... will it work?
Dean Trexel -- 4/10/2000, 7:13 pm
Re: project idea... will it work?
David Blodgett -- 4/10/2000, 9:30 pm