Date: 4/11/2000, 12:11 pm
> I'm not sure if this is any help but there is a freeware program called
> Unfold which was designed to do this with a text file input
I have used the Unfold software mentioned on the last post. It works really well and gives offset tables that will produce extremely accurate panels, much better than Carlson's Hulls (IMO).
If you can get x y z cordinates for chine points on a set of stations on your design, you can use the program. Station spacing on your original design is not important. Haven't used Autocad, so not sure how you can generate these numbers, but there must be a way. Anyhow, if you work carefully and cut panels accurately, they will go together flawlessly. We did this with the first prototype of our Puffin, a quite complex hull and deck, and it went together without any tweaking. Doug is also quite helpful if you have any problems or questions. Also, if you run into snags, yell. I could send you some sample input files, if you don't understand the format. The program has a few quirks (sometimes prints duplicate points, which are obvious. Sometimes doesn't give the last end point - easy to fix). For what its worth.
Messages In This Thread
- unfolding stitch 'n glue kayak drawings
Darren Neff -- 4/10/2000, 3:31 pm- Re: unfolding stitch 'n glue kayak drawings
Paul Raymond -- 4/10/2000, 9:53 pm- Using Unfold software
Grant Goltz -- 4/11/2000, 12:11 pm
- Re: unfolding stitch 'n glue kayak drawings
Alex ferguson -- 4/10/2000, 9:29 pm- Re: unfolding stitch 'n glue kayak drawings
Jason -- 4/10/2000, 5:29 pm- Re: unfolding stitch 'n glue kayak drawings
Dean Trexel -- 4/10/2000, 5:09 pm - Using Unfold software
- Re: unfolding stitch 'n glue kayak drawings