Boat Building Forum

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Re: stain
By:Dave Houser
Date: 4/13/2000, 1:54 am
In Response To: stain (john mayer)

Some time ago there was a discussion on aniline dyes to stain under epoxy. They are water soluable and will not interfere with the epoxy/wood bond like oils will. They dangerous and should be handled with care. See: for more details. They only surface dye the wood and would be impossible to selectively dye strips and not lose the color with sanding. For putting a color wash on the entire hull after sanding they would work fine. I used them on a strip canoe to color water putty (instead of puttying with epoxy) and they worked fine.

Messages In This Thread

john mayer -- 4/11/2000, 6:03 pm
Re: stain
Dave Houser -- 4/13/2000, 1:54 am
Re: stain
Don L -- 4/11/2000, 7:57 pm