Date: 4/17/2000, 12:09 pm
Ive used "Alaskan Yellow Cedar" on several boats with excellent success. the wood is heavier than other cedars or even pine and makes a heavier boat. I ysed it for the bottom of the boats where its extra strength plays a part and its light color is good for capsized visibility.
I have a limited amount so i am currently only using it for special strips such as the light wood in my detail strips.
I have used it for spars on model sailboats too. the best material I've found yet.
> I am a first time bilder and i am looking forward to bilding a Gullemot
> strip built kayak.But have a quetion about wood specirs. I have afair
> amount of west coast cypress(yellow cedar.)I would like to build most of
> the kayak out of cypress.BUT have concerns about the oil in the wood
> delaminating the apoxy and fibreglas cloth from the finished hull.(not
> allowing a good bond) Is this nothing to worry about or has anyone else
> had trouble with yellow cedar.Also are there species of wood to stay away
> from in this regard.
Messages In This Thread
- wood species delaminating from apoxy,
Rick Clements -- 4/16/2000, 2:53 am- Re: wood species delaminating from apoxy,
Tony -- 4/19/2000, 2:58 pm- Re: wood species delaminating from apoxy,
Eric Schade (Shearwater Boats) -- 4/17/2000, 12:09 pm- Re: wood species delaminating from apoxy,
Nolan -- 4/17/2000, 7:36 am- Re: wood species delaminating from apoxy,
Vaclav -- 4/16/2000, 11:39 am- It's neither Cedar nor Cypress ??
John B. -- 4/16/2000, 12:53 pm- Southern Cypress
Vernon -- 4/18/2000, 10:31 am- Re: Cedar nor Cypress, but further confusion
larry -- 4/16/2000, 7:52 pm- Re: Cedar nor Cypress, but further confusion
Simon King -- 4/17/2000, 1:50 am- Re: Cedar nor Cypress, but further confusion
John B. -- 4/16/2000, 8:40 pm - Re: Cedar nor Cypress, but further confusion
- Re: Cedar nor Cypress, but further confusion
- Southern Cypress
- Re: wood species delaminating from apoxy,
John B. -- 4/16/2000, 10:35 am- Re: wood species delaminating from apoxy,
Paul G. Jacobson -- 4/16/2000, 7:19 pm- Re: 3/16 Yellow Cedar
Mike Hanks -- 4/17/2000, 11:42 am- Re: 3/16 Yellow Cedar
Rehd -- 4/17/2000, 8:48 pm
- Re: 3/16 Yellow Cedar
- Re: 3/16 Yellow Cedar
- Re: wood species delaminating from apoxy,
- Re: wood species delaminating from apoxy,