Date: 4/18/2000, 4:40 pm
I didn't see a question, but what the heck, I'll respond anyway.
If I understand you correctly, you are stating that a person cannot be faulted or reproached for having a particular opinion or conviction. But the nature or content of that opinion may be openly questioned? If so, I agree.
Therefore, I recognize your right to have an opinion about Nick's book (et al).
However, the content of your "book reviews" is a load of vindictive crap (in my opinion).
Ross "Flame-Bait" Leidy
ps. If there was a veiled kayak building question or comment in your post, please rephrase.
: Nick and many of you seem to be confused as to the difference between a Book
: Review and a question about what a person finds personally (un)suitable
: about a book.
: In a Review the reviewer gives an opinion as to the (un)suitability of the
: book for OTHERS. That opinion is subject to examination by ANYONE. A
: review should be confined/extended to the content of the book not the
: author's intent.
: In a response to a Directed Question the questioned gives a statement as how
: the book was (un)suitable to HIMSELF. That statement is subject to
: examination by NO ONE. You may have given a different answer to the
: question if it was posed to you, but it was not.
: Somewhere below I was asked a Directed Question about a Review.
Messages In This Thread
- Re: Review v. Directed Question
Ross Leidy -- 4/18/2000, 4:40 pm