Re: How Heavy is Yours?
By:pete czerpak
Date: 4/19/2000, 11:35 am
Date: 4/19/2000, 11:35 am
In Response To: Re: How Heavy is Yours? (Shawn B)
: Hey Pete, I have a 57-lb. Chesapeake 17
: Shawn
My CLC 18 is close to mid 50s I would say. The eye bolts for carry toggles and the carbon fiber seat don't save much weight either.
Hope to keep the SOs at 40ish lbs using less epoxy, plus a 3 mm deck with 6 oz glass on the hull, 4 oz on the deck, and 6 oz tape on the seams. We shall see if I can be meticulous about epoxy pooling up in the keel...
Pete Albany, NY
Messages In This Thread
- bad kayak building karma- no wood,glass delivery y
pete czerpak -- 4/19/2000, 8:08 am- Does any one know how to find CLC Cape Chares Plan *NM*
Bob Atchinson -- 4/19/2000, 10:23 pm- Re: Does any one know how to find CLC Cape Chares
Robb -- 4/21/2000, 10:30 pm- Re: Does any one know how to find CLC Cape Chares
Nick Pinson -- 4/20/2000, 6:56 am - Re: Does any one know how to find CLC Cape Chares
- Re: ohhhm mahhni paaadmmhi
lee -- 4/19/2000, 10:00 am- Re: bad kayak building karma- no wood,glass delive
Rehd -- 4/19/2000, 9:11 am- Re: more bad news...
Dean Trexel -- 4/19/2000, 8:54 am- Re: more bad news...
pete czerpak -- 4/19/2000, 9:11 am- Re: How Heavy is Yours?
Shawn B -- 4/19/2000, 10:25 am- Oooofff!
Ed Valley -- 4/20/2000, 2:52 pm- Re: Ed wins!
lee -- 4/21/2000, 1:04 am
- Re: 33 pounds
Mike Hanks -- 4/19/2000, 11:50 am- Re: How Heavy is Yours?
pete czerpak -- 4/19/2000, 11:35 am- Re: Now I dont feel so bad
Don Beale -- 4/19/2000, 12:15 pm
- Re: How Heavy is Yours?
lee -- 4/19/2000, 10:29 am - Re: Ed wins!
- Re: more bad news...
Greg Hicks -- 4/19/2000, 9:29 am - Oooofff!
- Re: How Heavy is Yours?
- Re: Does any one know how to find CLC Cape Chares
- Does any one know how to find CLC Cape Chares Plan *NM*