: I have been building my Guillemot Double since October. I had to take about 6
: weeks off due to too much work at my job. I am just now planing the hull.
: I am an avid reader of the Forum. This is my first kayak, but it,s already
: in my blood to build more. I would like to say Nick is right in his book.
: There is nothing more satisfying than the smell of cedar coming off in
: thin layers as the lines of the kayak come out. I don,t have a website.
: can I post an image?
I hear ya'. As practice for my upcoming boat project, I dug out some lauan scraps last weekend and cut a few scarfs. I ended up with a trash can full of beautiful shavings, four nice scarfs and a whole new attitude. I've never been more than a hack woodworker, but the feel of that Record block plane peeling beautiful curls off lauan and pine really opened my eyes. This is gonna' be FUN!