Date: 4/21/2000, 6:14 pm
I have a source for northern cedar at $1/board foot (flat sawn). The down side is it is not kiln dried or even air dried (very much). My question is: If I cut it to 1/4" thickness, how long should I let it dry before stripping the hull? Has anyone here used "green" wood for their boat? I figure it shouldn't take very long at all to dry given the thickness, provided I lay it out properly. Once it has air dried a little I plan on running it through a thickness planer to get it a uniform thickness and then cut the cove and bead. How does this approach sound? Do I worry about how dry it is at all prior to stripping? It's not dripping wet, but it definately hasn't dried too much.
Another question for those of you who have cut your own strips is how many board feet did you use? I will be using a thin kerf blade in my table saw.
Thanks for your help.
Messages In This Thread
- Advice on northern cedar
Mark R. -- 4/21/2000, 6:14 pm- Re: Advice on northern cedar
Paul G. Jacobson -- 4/24/2000, 4:10 am- Re: Advice on northern cedar
michael -- 4/22/2000, 7:16 am - Re: Advice on northern cedar
- Re: Advice on northern cedar