Date: 4/23/2000, 12:26 am
Has anyone ever heard of such a thing as a "strap-on skeg"? You know, something that you could strap on when no one is around, then you could remove it to show off your strip built. It could even be held on with velcro or bungees as no one is going to see it anyway. I'm about finished with the hull on my Guillemot L, almost ready to flip it over but some of your responses to this thread are making me wonder about my paddling skills. I have rudders on all three of my other kayaks but not not on the G L. Ray
: Thanks for the responses about the Guillemot's handling.
: It seems that there are a few Guillemots in the Ottawa area and it looks like
: I will have a chance to paddle one .
: From Jim Gabriel's post I get the impression that a retractable skeg on a
: maneuverable boat might be a practical approach, the best of both worlds.
: Hank
Messages In This Thread
- the Guillemot's handling characteristics??
Hank -- 4/20/2000, 10:53 am- Re:A retractable skeg may be the answer.
Hank -- 4/22/2000, 5:47 pm- Re:A retractable skeg may be the answer.
Ray, Port Angeles -- 4/23/2000, 12:26 am- Some Skegs
mike allen ---} -- 4/24/2000, 8:06 pm- Re: Some Skegs
Ray, Port Angeles -- 4/25/2000, 12:14 am
- duct taped skeg
Eric Schade (Shearwater Boats) -- 4/23/2000, 8:22 pm- Re: duct taped skeg
Don Beale -- 4/24/2000, 6:09 pm
- Re:A retractable skeg may be the answer.
David -- 4/23/2000, 7:38 am - Re: Some Skegs
- Some Skegs
- Re: the Guillemot's handling characteristics??
Nick Schade - Guillemot Kayaks -- 4/21/2000, 4:33 pm- Re: the Guillemot's handling characteristics??
Rich Ross -- 4/20/2000, 4:26 pm- Re: the Guillemot's handling characteristics??
Lew Crenshaw -- 4/20/2000, 3:24 pm- Re: skin boat?
lee -- 4/20/2000, 11:34 pm- Re: skin boat?
Lew Crenshaw -- 4/21/2000, 11:51 am
- Re: skin boat?
- Re: the Guillemot's handling characteristics??
Jim Gabriel -- 4/20/2000, 2:04 pm- Re: maneuverability vs. tracking
Shawn B -- 4/21/2000, 2:40 pm- Re: maneuverability vs. tracking
Jim Gabriel -- 4/21/2000, 4:27 pm- Re: maneuverability vs. tracking
Shawn Baker -- 4/23/2000, 10:17 pm
- Re: maneuverability vs. tracking
- Re: maneuverability vs. tracking
- Re: the Guillemot's handling characteristics??
Dean Trexel -- 4/20/2000, 12:36 pm- Re: the Guillemot's handling characteristics??
Ryan Arnold -- 4/20/2000, 2:04 pm- Re: the Guillemot's handling characteristics??
Dean Trexel -- 4/20/2000, 2:20 pm- Re: the Guillemot's handling characteristics??
Chris Casazza -- 4/20/2000, 2:41 pm
- Re: the Guillemot's handling characteristics??
- Re: the Guillemot's handling characteristics??
- Re:A retractable skeg may be the answer.
- Re:A retractable skeg may be the answer.