Re: Oh yeah, what's a good block plane?
By:Dave Houser
Date: 4/23/2000, 1:31 am
Date: 4/23/2000, 1:31 am
In Response To: Oh yeah, what's a good block plane? (tim)
1) I shape paddle blades by cutting the glued-up blank with a band saw, then I use a spokeshave.
2) I like my Stanley 60-1/2 Low Angle Block Plane (12 degree blade angle).
Messages In This Thread
- How do you guys shape paddle blades?
tim -- 4/22/2000, 3:44 pm- Re: How do you guys shape paddle blades?
Derek -- 4/24/2000, 6:21 pm- Oh yeah, what's a good block plane?
tim -- 4/22/2000, 3:47 pm- Re: Oh yeah, what's a good block plane?
Brian Nystrom -- 4/23/2000, 8:21 am- New Veritas block plane
timfish -- 4/23/2000, 9:20 pm- Re: New Veritas block plane
Brian Nystrom -- 4/24/2000, 12:10 pm
- Re: New Veritas block plane
- Re: Oh yeah, what's a good block plane?
Dave Houser -- 4/23/2000, 1:31 am- Re: Spoke Shave Help?
John B. -- 4/23/2000, 8:24 am- Re: Spoke Shave with thumb screws
Dave Houser -- 4/25/2000, 9:23 pm- Re: Spoke Shave Help?
Robert Sonday -- 4/23/2000, 2:55 pm - Re: Spoke Shave Help?
- Re: Spoke Shave with thumb screws
- Re: Oh yeah, what's a good block plane?
simon -- 4/22/2000, 5:24 pm - New Veritas block plane
- Oh yeah, what's a good block plane?
- Re: How do you guys shape paddle blades?