Date: 4/23/2000, 10:17 pm
: Although, the wood boat was easier to paddle over the long haul. I suppose if
: I knew I'd always be landing/launching from harbors or on sandy beaches,
: the wood boat would be my preference.
Since I'm 600 miles inland, I don't worry so much about wood--not that I have sandy beaches to land on--I just don't have surf pushing me into the beach.
: So, what about the skeg? I like it down for touring and up for launches and
: landings. Once I forgot to pull the skeg up during a surf landing (only
: slightly deployed) and the boat started to broach slightly. At that point,
: its too late to pull up the skeg (too much force and boat speed) and
: almost impossible to do any correcting stroke beacuse the tracking is so
: good. Now, I play in the surf with this plastic baby, but always with the
: skeg up.
I've only ever paddled the Eddyline Night Hawk with a skeg, and was favorably impressed--I think I might have to incorporate one into my Guilllemot.
: Thank you for not beating me up for using plastic. Your a true builder in
: knowing how important it is to use the right tool for the job at hand.
Heh! I'm definitely not opposed to plastic--I know it's not as nice looking as wood, but it's certainly more abrasion-resistant!
: I think Nick hit a good balance between tracking and maneuverabity with the
: "Coastal" requiring no skeg or rudder.
I've never paddled one--have you paddled the Guillemot--notice any difference with the bow/stern concavities?
: Take care jim gabriel (skeg lover, rudder hater). I paddled the CD Extreme recently---the rudder was the only thing I disliked about the boat; I think it would really benefit from a skeg.
: p.s. Have you seen Duane's website at
: Yeah, I like his hip-snap exercise--I've been practicing it lately, and it does help my rolls. By the way, you guys have some gorgeous skin on frame boats.
Messages In This Thread
- the Guillemot's handling characteristics??
Hank -- 4/20/2000, 10:53 am- Re:A retractable skeg may be the answer.
Hank -- 4/22/2000, 5:47 pm- Re:A retractable skeg may be the answer.
Ray, Port Angeles -- 4/23/2000, 12:26 am- Some Skegs
mike allen ---} -- 4/24/2000, 8:06 pm- Re: Some Skegs
Ray, Port Angeles -- 4/25/2000, 12:14 am
- duct taped skeg
Eric Schade (Shearwater Boats) -- 4/23/2000, 8:22 pm- Re: duct taped skeg
Don Beale -- 4/24/2000, 6:09 pm
- Re:A retractable skeg may be the answer.
David -- 4/23/2000, 7:38 am - Re: Some Skegs
- Some Skegs
- Re: the Guillemot's handling characteristics??
Nick Schade - Guillemot Kayaks -- 4/21/2000, 4:33 pm- Re: the Guillemot's handling characteristics??
Rich Ross -- 4/20/2000, 4:26 pm- Re: the Guillemot's handling characteristics??
Lew Crenshaw -- 4/20/2000, 3:24 pm- Re: skin boat?
lee -- 4/20/2000, 11:34 pm- Re: skin boat?
Lew Crenshaw -- 4/21/2000, 11:51 am
- Re: skin boat?
- Re: the Guillemot's handling characteristics??
Jim Gabriel -- 4/20/2000, 2:04 pm- Re: maneuverability vs. tracking
Shawn B -- 4/21/2000, 2:40 pm- Re: maneuverability vs. tracking
Jim Gabriel -- 4/21/2000, 4:27 pm- Re: maneuverability vs. tracking
Shawn Baker -- 4/23/2000, 10:17 pm
- Re: maneuverability vs. tracking
- Re: maneuverability vs. tracking
- Re: the Guillemot's handling characteristics??
Dean Trexel -- 4/20/2000, 12:36 pm- Re: the Guillemot's handling characteristics??
Ryan Arnold -- 4/20/2000, 2:04 pm- Re: the Guillemot's handling characteristics??
Dean Trexel -- 4/20/2000, 2:20 pm- Re: the Guillemot's handling characteristics??
Chris Casazza -- 4/20/2000, 2:41 pm
- Re: the Guillemot's handling characteristics??
- Re: the Guillemot's handling characteristics??
- Re:A retractable skeg may be the answer.
- Re:A retractable skeg may be the answer.