I've done the kayak in the George Putz book, it has very traditional lines (taken off a native Southwest Greenland kayak by Howard Chapelle), but the construction method is more modern from Norman Skene, first published in 1923. It has been widened for us larger bodied people of European ancestry. I love the performance of this kayak, but it is built differently than native craft, but in the same spirit as them.
What type of kayak are you interested in? If you are inerested in a baidarka (Aleutian Kayak), I strongly recommend Wolfgang Brink's book "The Aleutian Kayak". If you are not, I still recommend it, it is a great book on traditional kayak construction.
You make want to check out the Baidarka Mailing List at It specializes in skin on frame kayaks.
Other books are "Baidarka" by George Dyson (history and alternative construction), "Bark Canoes and Skin Craft of North America" by Adney and Chapelle (line Drawings and descriptions), and John Brand's "Little Kayak Books" Vols. I, II& III ("Little Kayak Books" have been out of print, but I have heard rumors that photcopied versions are available).
"Sea Kayaker" magazine have also published plans for an Alaska Recovery Kayak, a Greenland Kayak, and If I remember correctly a King Island Kayak. I don't have the references in front of me right now, but if I find them I will post what issues they are in, or someone else may find them and beat me to it. Greg Stamer has a web site dedicated to Greenland Kayaking called The Unofficial Guide to the Greenland Kayak Association at The photo below is from his site. Another very good site is Harvey Golden's at, he has built many traditional kayaks.
Most people do not use hides anymore, most replicas use canvas, polyester, or nylon that has been sealed (no pun intended) with paint, urethane, or hypalon. Hides are not environmentally correct, and they get rather smelly. ;-)
If you have any more specific questions, just ask.
: HiI'm thinking of making a kyak, but Iwant to make itout of wood and hides ,
: as traditional as possible. Do you have any ideas on whereI can get
: instructions on this type of kyak? thanks.

Messages In This Thread
- Traditional
Eric -- 4/23/2000, 9:20 pm- Seal skin is available - sort of
David -- 4/28/2000, 5:55 pm- Re: Traditional
Richard Church -- 4/24/2000, 9:42 pm- Re: Traditional
Jeff Moag -- 4/28/2000, 12:14 pm
- Greenland Kayak building video
Jay Babina -- 4/24/2000, 9:59 am- Re: Traditional
Bram -- 4/24/2000, 12:23 am- Re: Traditional *Pic*
Mike Hanks -- 4/24/2000, 12:16 am- Re: Little Kayak Book available
Peter H -- 4/24/2000, 11:35 am- Re: Little Kayak Book available
David -- 4/24/2000, 3:14 pm
- Re: Traditional
Bram -- 4/24/2000, 12:27 am- Re: Traditional *Pic*
Mike Hanks -- 4/24/2000, 12:53 am
- Re: Little Kayak Book available
- Re: Traditional
David Blodgett -- 4/23/2000, 10:32 pm - Re: Traditional
- Seal skin is available - sort of