A Kayak in a Weekend *Pic*
Date: 4/24/2000, 5:06 pm
Date: 4/24/2000, 5:06 pm
I just had to brag a little.
You may not believe this but we made this over the weekend. In all we used 4 gal of polyester resin, 7 yards of 6oz fiberglass cloth, 7 yards of 1.5 oz fiberglass mat, the kayak mold, foot pegs, 4 people, an about 8 hours labor over two days.
Now all I need is some paint.

Messages In This Thread
- A Kayak in a Weekend *Pic*
BillS -- 4/24/2000, 5:06 pm- Seams Seems Dangerous!!
mike allen ---} -- 4/24/2000, 7:34 pm- Just had to get it in the water
BillS -- 4/25/2000, 12:14 pm
- Just had to get it in the water
- Seams Seems Dangerous!!