Date: 4/25/2000, 12:14 pm
This was our 4th Play Boat and we wanted to see how fast we could put one together.
The Hull and Deck are siliconed and pop-rivited together (temporary). In the end it will be fiberglassed together (inside and out), The seam will be ground down to 1/4in and covered with U channeling for protection (ours not the boat's). We still have a lot of work before we can paint. In the initial test runs everyone that tried it out either cut their hands or arms on the seams. On Ed's boat their hardly noticeable.
I talked a friend of mine, who use to build racing boats, into teaching me and a few others how to make fiberglass boats. Ed designed this kayak (more of a decked canoe) over 15 years ago for his daughter. So she could play around in flat water with out him fearing that she might tip over. I've tried his boat on a small lake and down the Colorado river through Topoc Gorge and found it to be extremely stable and tracks great for a 10 footer. I had to really force it to tip over and was then unable to role it backup.
By the way> I want to thank Nick and everyone on this BBS for all the ideas and info. About a year ago I started thinking about building a kayak. I picked up Nick's book and started checking this BBS. Then talked to some friends. Before we knew it we had the fever. Hiedi, one of my co-consperiters, has decided to build a Stich-n-Glue kayak in the fall and I'm thinking of building the Great Auk.
See you on the BBS. Bill
Messages In This Thread
- A Kayak in a Weekend *Pic*
BillS -- 4/24/2000, 5:06 pm- Seams Seems Dangerous!!
mike allen ---} -- 4/24/2000, 7:34 pm- Just had to get it in the water
BillS -- 4/25/2000, 12:14 pm
- Just had to get it in the water
- Seams Seems Dangerous!!