Date: 4/29/2000, 10:36 pm
Hi Nancy, I assume that you have the plywood hip plates in. Cut two 1 1/2 ft lengths of 1" nylon webbing. Fold the ends over 3". Melt hole through the looped webbing. Drill hole through hip plate. Attach webbing on side of plate next to hull with large washer, machine screw and locnut and washer. I think I've done it with one or two screws #10 or #12, the size isn't that important as long as you use locknuts. I think on some set-ups the webbing might wear into the hip plate or vice versa. If this is a concern then the webbing can be run through a short length of tubular webbing. You could make the loop a little bigger and use it as an attachment point to tethered items.
Messages In This Thread
- Miscellaneous questions
Nancy -- 4/29/2000, 3:25 pm- Re: Miscellaneous questions
Nancy -- 5/5/2000, 6:06 pm- Re: Miscellaneous questions
Gini -- 4/30/2000, 9:40 am- Re: Miscellaneous questions
lee -- 4/29/2000, 10:36 pm- Re: Respirator Problems!
Ian Johnston -- 4/29/2000, 5:22 pm- Re: Miscellaneous questions
Earl Bailey -- 4/29/2000, 4:39 pm- Re: Miscellaneous questions
Dennis -- 4/29/2000, 3:50 pm - Re: Miscellaneous questions
- Re: Miscellaneous questions