Date: 5/1/2000, 3:31 pm
I can tell you where I drilled on my Guillemot: it was on the sheerline strip of the hull. I also overdrilled, filled with thickened epoxy, and redrilled for the 1/4" center hole. Good luck, and keep a steady hand. But remember, any goofs can be filled-in with decorative pieces of wood for the design you "meant" to do.
: Any words of advice before I start punching holes in my nice Outer Island? I
: don't know exactly how to figure footpeg height, but Jay Babina's video
: shows the screw heads just under the shear. Nick's book doesn't mention
: height. My Tern instructions had height measurements from the shear, but
: the shear height is different on the O.I. I did the epoxied-blocks method
: on the Tern, but there's a bit less real estate in the O.I.'s cockpit, so
: I'm bolting thru. I just want a bit of confidence before coming at the
: kayak with a drill in my trembling hand... (I do know to lay out the
: second hole by bolting the footpegs on the outside to line it up.)
: Dean
Messages In This Thread
- footpeg height
Dean Trexel -- 5/1/2000, 3:03 pm- Re: footpeg height
Jay Babina -- 5/2/2000, 8:10 am- Re: footpeg height
Ross Leidy -- 5/1/2000, 3:31 pm - Re: footpeg height
- Re: footpeg height