Date: 5/4/2000, 12:03 pm
If you change to UTM instead of LAT/LON you may notice an apparent higher degree of accuracy. This is because UTM is based on a 1000M (1KM) grid system. Unfortunately if you are using nautical charts, this may not be real convenient, but since I am using USGS maps about 99.7% of the time, I use and prefer the UTM system.
Don't have my GPS here with me (at work), but there are at least 4 decimals in a UTM coordinate (5 I think, but do not shoot me if I'm wrong ). 4 places would be at a 1 meter level.
: Perhaps you wanted to be an early innovator?
: The differential add-on uses, I believe, LORAN signals and calculates a
: position from that, as well as from the GPs. The combination of the two
: should be more accurate than either alone. Should the government ever turn
: that GPS "selective availability" error back on -- say in case
: of war -- you'll be better than most of us.
: My GPS displays a position down to hundredths of a minute. (degrees, minutes,
: and 00 to 99/100ths of a minute) Assuming the signals and the calculatons
: in my receiver are accurate, that should get me somewhere within a 60 foot
: circle of my actual position. As I see it, I would need three decimal
: places (thousandths of a minute) to get *a display* of accuracy within 6
: feet.
: Now this just applies to the actual indicated position. I suspect that when
: my GPS calculates my my position it really knows the answer to more
: decimal places than are displayed on the screen -- and it uses these more
: precise figures to calculate such things as velocity. Otherwise, how would
: it know I had moved if I was going at only 2 miles an hour? Hopefully the
: change will give me more accurate speed readings, but until I get a GPS
: that displays another decimal place, I can't see how I will be able to
: determine my position any more accurately than before. Maybe I'll just be
: more certain that what I am seeing is really right.
Messages In This Thread
- GPS users
Kent LeBoutillier -- 5/3/2000, 6:15 am- Re: GPS users
Totto -- 5/3/2000, 3:42 pm- Re: GPS users
Charles Cooper -- 5/3/2000, 4:11 pm- differential GPS
Bruce -- 5/3/2000, 7:55 pm- Re: differential GPS
Dale Frolander -- 5/4/2000, 12:04 am- Re: differential GPS
Dale Frolander -- 5/4/2000, 9:39 pm- Re: differential GPS
Mitch Isoe -- 5/12/2000, 1:49 pm
- Re: differential GPS
- Re: differential GPS
mike -- 5/4/2000, 1:25 pm - One millimeter?
Bruce -- 5/4/2000, 9:33 am- Re: One millimeter?
Tig and Tink -- 5/7/2000, 7:59 pm - Re: One millimeter?
Paul G. Jacobson -- 5/4/2000, 4:51 pm - Re: One millimeter?
Shawn B -- 5/4/2000, 11:05 am
- Re: One millimeter?
- Re: differential GPS
Kent LeBoutillier -- 5/4/2000, 5:59 am
- Re: differential GPS
- Re: differential GPS
Paul G. Jacobson -- 5/3/2000, 10:09 pm- Re: differential GPS-use UTM
Doug -- 5/4/2000, 12:03 pm- Re: differential GPS-use UTM
Tim Smith -- 5/4/2000, 1:08 pm- Re: differential GPS-use UTM
Doug -- 5/4/2000, 3:09 pm- Re: Good info on GPS
Mitch Isoe -- 5/4/2000, 3:42 pm
- Re: Good info on GPS
Tim Smith -- 5/4/2000, 1:51 pm
- Re: differential GPS-use UTM
- Re: differential GPS-use UTM
- Re: differential GPS
Pete Roszyk -- 5/4/2000, 9:26 am
- Re: differential GPS-use UTM
- Re: differential GPS
- Re: GPS users
Totto -- 5/3/2000, 4:34 pm
- differential GPS
- Re: GPS users
- Re: GPS users
Hank -- 5/3/2000, 12:25 pm- Re: GPS users
Bill, near Maryland -- 5/3/2000, 4:10 pm
- Re: GPS users
- Re: GPS users
Tim Smith -- 5/3/2000, 10:12 am
- Re: GPS users