: Dale, while I believe that the newspaper wrote this, its hard to believe its
: actually true.....my docomentation says that the DGPS is good to within 5
: meters.....which is 5 thousand mm. If I knew of some way to check this
: out, I'd do it..just curious as to how accurate it really is. Regards...
If they are talking in the article about "ground" stations, I suspect they are using equipment that is fixed in one place. Sounds a bit like the stuff that geologists use to occasionally report that the San Andreas fault has dropped 1/10th of an inch in the last decade, or that Mt. Everest is growing at a rate of a couple millimeters each year. The idea that such fixed devices would average their readings over a long period of time, and use data from different sattelites as they overflew sounds like a rational explanation for this. I'm certainly happy with the number crunching that my little handheld GPS can do!
Messages In This Thread
- GPS users
Kent LeBoutillier -- 5/3/2000, 6:15 am- Re: GPS users
Totto -- 5/3/2000, 3:42 pm- Re: GPS users
Charles Cooper -- 5/3/2000, 4:11 pm- differential GPS
Bruce -- 5/3/2000, 7:55 pm- Re: differential GPS
Dale Frolander -- 5/4/2000, 12:04 am- Re: differential GPS
Dale Frolander -- 5/4/2000, 9:39 pm- Re: differential GPS
Mitch Isoe -- 5/12/2000, 1:49 pm
- Re: differential GPS
mike -- 5/4/2000, 1:25 pm- One millimeter?
Bruce -- 5/4/2000, 9:33 am- Re: One millimeter?
Tig and Tink -- 5/7/2000, 7:59 pm- Re: One millimeter?
Paul G. Jacobson -- 5/4/2000, 4:51 pm- Re: One millimeter?
Shawn B -- 5/4/2000, 11:05 am - Re: One millimeter?
- Re: differential GPS
Kent LeBoutillier -- 5/4/2000, 5:59 am - Re: differential GPS
- Re: differential GPS
Paul G. Jacobson -- 5/3/2000, 10:09 pm- Re: differential GPS-use UTM
Doug -- 5/4/2000, 12:03 pm- Re: differential GPS-use UTM
Tim Smith -- 5/4/2000, 1:08 pm- Re: differential GPS-use UTM
Doug -- 5/4/2000, 3:09 pm- Re: Good info on GPS
Mitch Isoe -- 5/4/2000, 3:42 pm
Tim Smith -- 5/4/2000, 1:51 pm - Re: Good info on GPS
- Re: differential GPS-use UTM
- Re: differential GPS
Pete Roszyk -- 5/4/2000, 9:26 am - Re: differential GPS-use UTM
- Re: differential GPS
- Re: GPS users
Totto -- 5/3/2000, 4:34 pm - Re: differential GPS
- differential GPS
- Re: GPS users
Hank -- 5/3/2000, 12:25 pm- Re: GPS users
Bill, near Maryland -- 5/3/2000, 4:10 pm
- Re: GPS users
Tim Smith -- 5/3/2000, 10:12 am - Re: GPS users
- Re: GPS users