It will take a long time for that wood to dry, but there are other options. You could build a skin canoe with some of the wood, the ribs are best if bent while green(wet). This would be a quick cheap way to build a canoe, and you would then see if you liked building then build a strip-built next year, after the wood has dried. If you follow the link at the bottom of the page there are plans for building a canoe. It is meant to be skinned with paper, muslin, and varnish, but the canvas you mentioned before would work great. It requires only a small amount of wood and produces a light serviceable boat. This was the boat that got me interested in buiding. I didn't build this one, but I will someday. If you want, you could build it to the shape of one of the canoes in Canoecraft.
: for my wood-strip canoe, I'm using poplar for a nice, pale colour.
: Unfortunately, the trees are still standing. After cutting them down and
: dragging them to a clearing (There's BIG ant hills in them thar woods),
: how do I go about splitting them into peices small enough to A) dry at a
: reasonable speed and B) go thru the saw-thing we're using to rip the wood?
: Any other advice on wood-strip will be appreciated. The book I'm using as
: reference is Canoecraft, the only one I can find on the subject. Please
: don't ask me to buy or order any books, because I can't afford it and by
: the time the ordered book comes in, It'l be too late in the season to
: build the thing.
: Thank you all for helping.
: Anne G

Messages In This Thread
- Wood-strip canoe: Splitting the wood ect. Advice?
Anne G -- 5/4/2000, 1:19 pm- Re: Wood-strip canoe - costs
Dave Houser -- 5/5/2000, 11:48 pm- Re: Wood-strip canoe vs. Skin on Frame *Pic*
Mike Hanks -- 5/4/2000, 8:40 pm- Re: Wood-strip canoe: Splitting the wood ect. Advi
Paul G. Jacobson -- 5/4/2000, 5:41 pm- Re: Splitting the wood & Drying
Pete -- 5/4/2000, 5:36 pm - Re: Wood-strip canoe vs. Skin on Frame *Pic*
- Re: Wood-strip canoe - costs