Boat Building Forum

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Re: Another Lauan question
Date: 5/9/2000, 4:01 pm
In Response To: Another Lauan question (BStruss)

Hi Bailey,

I build most of my kayaks from 1/8" luaun that I buy from a place that builds garage doors. They have 4x8 sheets with a good smooth finish.

In the past, I have also used luaun wall paneling without any problems.

Since the panels are totally coated with epoxy "dishwasher" tests for water resistance are not required. The low viscosity resins penetrate well into the wood to seal it.


Messages In This Thread

Another Lauan question
BStruss -- 5/8/2000, 7:33 pm
Re: Another Lauan question
Hank -- 5/9/2000, 4:01 pm
Re: Another okoume option
Shawn B -- 5/9/2000, 1:51 pm
Re: Another okoume option
pete czerpak -- 5/10/2000, 9:27 am
Re: Another Lauan question
Brian Nystrom -- 5/9/2000, 1:07 pm
Re: Another Lauan question
Mike Hanks -- 5/8/2000, 11:06 pm
Re: Another Lauan question
tony -- 5/8/2000, 9:12 pm