Date: 5/10/2000, 5:28 pm
: Larry,
: Have you had any problems with the cover damaging your boat's finish? I'm
: just picturing the material flapping in the wind against the boat. If the
: material is of a courser texture I wonder if the finish would be damaged
: from the rubbing action of the cloth on the boat.
: Thanks,
: Gary B.
Gary, There is no flapping at all. The cover is form fitted like a glove. with sewen in cinch cord and sewen on straps that hold it tight. It has about 1500 miles at highway speeds with no problems. I made the cover so it's open at the bottom for easy instalation and removal. The straps wrap under the boat bottom like a horse saddle. These keep the cover very tight and the sewen in perimeter cinch cord draws it snug all the way around. Traveling when there is a threat of hail, I put towels on the deck before installing the cover to prevent possible damage from hail.
Larry C.
Messages In This Thread
- kayak covers
Quent -- 5/7/2000, 7:10 pm- Re: kayak covers
mike allen ---> -- 5/8/2000, 2:33 pm- Re: kayak covers
Travis -- 5/8/2000, 5:23 pm- Re: kayak covers
mike allen ---> -- 5/8/2000, 5:33 pm
- Re: kayak covers
- Re: kayak covers
Larry c. -- 5/7/2000, 7:30 pm- Re: kayak covers
gary b. -- 5/9/2000, 10:55 pm- Re: kayak covers
Larry c. -- 5/10/2000, 5:28 pm
- Re: kayak covers
Robb -- 5/7/2000, 10:53 pm- Re: kayak covers
David Blodgett -- 5/7/2000, 11:42 pm
- Re: kayak covers
- Re: kayak covers
- Re: kayak covers