Re: Heatshrink dacron
By:Hans Friedel
Date: 5/13/2000, 1:49 am
Date: 5/13/2000, 1:49 am
In Response To: Heatshrink dacron (Gary Pick)
: I am looking for a supplier of heatshrink dacron in Australia, preferably on
: the East Coast, Qld or NSW. Can anybody help me please? Regards, Gary
I maybee totaly lost here but isnt all dacron more or less heatshrinkabel?
Make a test, try a standard fabric witch not has been coated or treated in any way
Messages In This Thread
- Heatshrink dacron
Gary Pick -- 5/11/2000, 11:52 pm- Re: Heatshrink dacron
Hans Friedel -- 5/13/2000, 1:49 am- Re: Heatshrink dacron
Spidey -- 5/12/2000, 8:56 pm- Re: Heatshrink dacron
Gary Pick -- 5/13/2000, 1:38 am
- Re: Heatshrink dacron
Tony -- 5/12/2000, 8:10 pm - Re: Heatshrink dacron
- Re: Heatshrink dacron