Oops - previous post blank...
By:Jim Eisenmenger
Date: 5/15/2000, 12:51 pm
Date: 5/15/2000, 12:51 pm
In Response To: strip built deck (Jim Eisenmenger)
I meant to say... think about stripping the whole thing. I've built a strip canoe and Nick's S&G design. I found the stripped boat to be more time consuming, but no more difficult. The stripper was much more satisfying to build.
Messages In This Thread
- Another maiden launch
Peter H -- 5/15/2000, 11:49 am- Re: Another maiden launch
Hank -- 5/15/2000, 6:34 pm- Link to Photos - more shameless self-aggrandisemen
Peter H -- 5/15/2000, 4:36 pm- strip built deck
Jim Eisenmenger -- 5/15/2000, 12:47 pm- Oops - previous post blank...
Jim Eisenmenger -- 5/15/2000, 12:51 pm
- Link to Photos - more shameless self-aggrandisemen
- Re: Another maiden launch