Boat Building Forum

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Re: Another maiden launch
Date: 5/15/2000, 6:34 pm
In Response To: Another maiden launch (Peter H)

Hi Peter,

Congratulations to both of you with your first homemade boat - may there be many more!! Nothing to it eh?

Judging from the smiles Dei sure seems to be pleased. Please say "hi" to her for me.


Messages In This Thread

Another maiden launch
Peter H -- 5/15/2000, 11:49 am
Re: Another maiden launch
Hank -- 5/15/2000, 6:34 pm
Link to Photos - more shameless self-aggrandisemen
Peter H -- 5/15/2000, 4:36 pm
strip built deck
Jim Eisenmenger -- 5/15/2000, 12:47 pm
Oops - previous post blank...
Jim Eisenmenger -- 5/15/2000, 12:51 pm