Date: 5/16/2000, 7:10 am
: I would guess (wag!) that I put in about 200 hrs per boat.
I took nearly 2 years to build mine, but that includes extended periods when I either just didn't have the time, or ran into problems that needed to be thought out before proceeding. So you're way ahead of me as far as build-time is concerned. I reacon I probably put about 300 hours into it, and it was not only my first boat, but my first major woodwork project since I was at school 20 years ago. That is, if a spice rack counts as a major woodwork project? :-)
: I have a question for all the people who have built one of Nick's S&G's
: reguarding the fit of the hull pannels. I found that I had a large gap
: (1/4") that I could not bring/stitch together on the foreward hull
: section of the kayak, about 18" back from the tip of the bow. Was
: this just my problem in measuring it out or is this a feature of the table
: of offsets?
I guess this depends on how you stiched it together, I stitched the two hull panels together first and then added the lower sheer panels. I did the same for the deck and upper sheers, then joined the two kayak halves together. There is a slight bulge (about 1/8" each side, which coresponds to your 1/4") between the deck panels and the upper sheer panels about 18" from the bow that I'm almost positive is due to an error in the offsets (I checked my lofted measurements 3 time before cutting).
If we stitched everything together in a different order, would this account for us finding the error in a different place?
How did you do yours?
Messages In This Thread
- One of Nick's S&G's is born *Pic*
Matthew Bastian -- 5/12/2000, 10:19 am- Re: One of Nick's S&G's is born
Paul Lund -- 5/15/2000, 8:24 am- Re: One of Nick's S&G's is born
Rehd -- 5/15/2000, 9:15 am- Recycled materials
Paul Lund -- 5/16/2000, 8:21 am- Re: Recycled materials
Hank -- 5/16/2000, 5:59 pm- Re: Recycled materials
Paul Lund -- 5/17/2000, 7:39 am- Re: Recycled materials
Rehd -- 5/17/2000, 7:35 pm- Re: Recycled materials
Mike Hanks -- 5/18/2000, 11:06 am
- Re: Recycled materials
- Re: Recycled materials
- Re: Recycled materials *Pic*
Mike Hanks -- 5/16/2000, 11:52 am- Re: Recycled materials
Paul Lund -- 5/17/2000, 7:57 am- Re: Recycled materials
Mike Hanks -- 5/18/2000, 11:18 am
- Re: Recycled materials
- Re: Recycled materials
Rehd -- 5/16/2000, 8:57 am - Re: Recycled materials
- Re: Recycled materials
- Re: One of Nick's S&G's is born
Matthew Bastian -- 5/15/2000, 8:40 am- Error in offsets....
Paul Lund -- 5/16/2000, 7:10 am- Re: Error in offsets....
Matthew Bastian -- 5/17/2000, 9:09 am- Re: Error in offsets.... *Pic*
Paul Lund -- 5/19/2000, 6:07 am
- Re: Error in offsets.... *Pic*
- Re: Error in offsets....
- Recycled materials
- Re: One of Nick's S&G's is born
Rehd -- 5/12/2000, 6:47 pm- Re: Nice Line Up
Nick Schade - Guillemot Kayaks -- 5/12/2000, 4:58 pm - Re: One of Nick's S&G's is born
- Re: One of Nick's S&G's is born