Date: 5/21/2000, 7:44 pm
Are you saying that the cloth never really wet out to begin with? If that's the case, I might suspect some contamination in the cloth, maybe something oily -- just a guess. I've had my share of glassing problems, but none that were apparent during the wet-out, always after the weave was filled did I see my mistakes -- either I didn't lay enough epoxy, or too much soaked into the wood, starving the cloth.
As for the fix, I think I'd continue to fill the weave, but wait until the 11th hour to do it. If memory serves, the epoxy will adhere to itself without sanding if it is re-coated within 3 days -- check your epoxy manual. If you can sand down the spots in the next couple of days, you could apply the patches with your first fill coat. If not, do the fill coat anyway and just avoid the white areas. You want to continue to fill the weave so that you don't have to sand, because it will weaken the cloth. How big are these spots, incedentally?
: Just finished glassing the deck of my guillemot. All went well except for two
: spots where for some reason the glass would not turn completely
: transparent. I tried adding more epoxy, rolling with a bubble roller, and
: using a hot air gun. Nothing seemed to work. Does anyone know why this
: might have happened, so I don't do it again? Second, what do I do now to
: get rid of white glass spots? Do I try to sand it all off and put a patch?
: If so, when now or after filling the weave? . As a first timer, I read
: your discussion religously and look to you experts for help. Thanks in
: advance.
Messages In This Thread
- glassing problem
Ron Larson -- 5/21/2000, 5:11 pm- Re: glassing problem
Dean Trexel -- 5/21/2000, 7:44 pm- Re: glassing problem
Ron Larson -- 5/21/2000, 8:26 pm- Re: glassing problem and coaming problem
Dale Frolander -- 5/22/2000, 12:36 am- Re: glassing problem and coaming problem
Ken Sutherland -- 5/22/2000, 1:21 am- Re: glassing problem and coaming problem
Tig and Tink -- 5/22/2000, 2:10 am- Re: glassing problem and coaming problem
Dale Frolander -- 5/22/2000, 2:02 am - Re: glassing problem and coaming problem
- Re: glassing problem and coaming problem
- Re: glassing problem and coaming problem
- Re: glassing problem
Spidey -- 5/21/2000, 8:20 pm - Re: glassing problem and coaming problem
- Re: glassing problem
- Re: glassing problem