Re: hard-chine edges
By:Shawn Baker
Date: 5/22/2000, 11:39 pm
Date: 5/22/2000, 11:39 pm
In Response To: hard-chine edges (Tom Kurth)
No sharper than the radius of a pencil--you can't get the glass to lay flat around the corner if it's sharper. Actually, you can go rather "soft" and not really sacrifice the hard-chined hull's performance.
: When fairing a hard-chined plywood boat prior to glassing, how sharp do you
: make the edges? Thanks, Tom.
Messages In This Thread
- hard-chine edges
Tom Kurth -- 5/22/2000, 11:00 pm- Re: hard-chine edges
Mike -- 5/23/2000, 10:46 am- Keel?
Tom Kurth -- 5/23/2000, 9:13 pm- Re: Keel on Walrus?
Mike Hanks -- 5/24/2000, 12:25 am
- Re: Keel on Walrus?
- Re: hard-chine edges
Shawn Baker -- 5/22/2000, 11:39 pm - Keel?
- Re: hard-chine edges