Date: 5/23/2000, 7:35 am
Hi everybody!
Well, finally I've tested the resin.
I've got some resin and two different hardeners. One of my succesfully glassed hull and one of my never-curing-time deck.
I took a couple of transparent little cans (the ones that contains the photo film cartridges) and poured 4 parts of resin.
Then I poured 1 part of hardener ("hull" and "deck") in each pot and mix for almost a minute.
Since my idea was only to see any curing difference, I let both of the resins just in their pots, although I knew that eventually they would speed the curing process because of the amount of mass confined in the pot.
To my surprise, both resins cured in the SAME time. It's important to know that the room temperature was about 75 F, and the % of humidity aprox 60%.
I'm just were I began...
On the other hand, I've never told you that large sections of my uncured deck had a whitish haze (not amine blush but something like milky resin that was deep inside the glass).
I think that, maybe, the humidity of that day was "trapped" in the resin...
Any ideas for the future?
Messages In This Thread
- I had to peel off the glass!
Marcelo -- 5/21/2000, 8:41 pm- Test it
Dale Frolander -- 5/22/2000, 2:08 am- Re: I had to peel off the glass!
lee -- 5/21/2000, 10:43 pm- Positively sure!
Marcelo -- 5/22/2000, 9:24 am- SMALL? glass bottle? This sounds wrong
Paul G. Jacobson -- 5/22/2000, 11:07 pm- I've tested it!
Marcelo -- 5/23/2000, 7:35 am- Re: I've tested it!
Larry C. -- 5/23/2000, 12:13 pm- About bad mixing
Marcelo -- 5/23/2000, 1:39 pm- Re: About bad mixing
Rehd -- 5/23/2000, 9:45 pm- Re: About bad mixing
Julie Kanarr -- 5/23/2000, 10:46 pm- Re: About bad mixing
Ian Johnston -- 5/24/2000, 2:59 am- Solved!
Marcelo -- 5/24/2000, 7:57 am- Suggestions
Brian Nystrom -- 5/24/2000, 12:31 pm
- Suggestions
- Solved!
- Re: About bad mixing
- According to epoxy manufacturers...
Brian Nystrom -- 5/23/2000, 4:41 pm - Re: About bad mixing
- Re: About bad mixing
- Re: I've tested it!
pete czerpak -- 5/23/2000, 8:42 am - About bad mixing
- Re: I've tested it!
- I've tested it!
- Re: I had to peel off the glass!
Tig and Tink -- 5/22/2000, 1:50 am - SMALL? glass bottle? This sounds wrong
- Re: I had to peel off the glass!
- Test it