Re: So close...
By:Brion in Seattle
Date: 5/27/2000, 12:34 pm
Date: 5/27/2000, 12:34 pm
In Response To: So close... *Pic* (Don Bobzien)
Wow! She's a beauty! Happy paddling...
: Well, she's just about done. Just need to install seat, backband, and hatch
: straps. Weather permitting... I'm paddling today! Don
Messages In This Thread
- So close... *Pic*
Don Bobzien -- 5/27/2000, 10:20 am- Re: So close...
Sam McFadden -- 5/29/2000, 11:49 am- Re: So close...
RM Dalton -- 5/27/2000, 10:04 pm- Re: So close...
Ronnie Armstrong -- 5/27/2000, 7:13 pm- Re: So close...
Brion in Seattle -- 5/27/2000, 12:34 pm - Re: So close...
- Re: So close...