Date: 5/30/2000, 12:59 pm
Good advice. I just ordered the plans. I don't have the magazine with me now, But as I recall when I layed out the bilge panel, the curve was changing about 1/16" a couple of feet from the end and then suddenly went to 1/8" the next foot and then back to 1/16". When sighting down the line there is a "bump" at this change affecting the fairness of the curve. This may explain your chines being off.
: As I remember, the article does not show the scarfs at all. Simply add the
: scarf material to one side of the hull panel. I believe the CLC plans show
: you how to lay out the panels on the 4X8 sheets well worth the cost of the
: plan.
: I love the finished boat.
: It would be intereting to hear from other Mill Creek Builders to see how
: their hull came out. There might be something wrong wht the CLC offsets
: all together.
: Ohter CLC Boats I have built have turned out much better than my Mill Creek.
Messages In This Thread
- Scarfs on Millcreek 13
BStruss -- 5/29/2000, 8:10 am- Re: buy the plans
Randy Ames -- 5/30/2000, 11:08 am- Re: buy the plans
Bailey -- 5/30/2000, 12:59 pm- Re: buy the plans
BStruss -- 6/3/2000, 8:36 pm - Re: buy the plans
Addison M. -- 5/30/2000, 10:24 pm
- Re: buy the plans
- Re: buy the plans
- Re: Scarfs on Millcreek 13
Addison M. -- 5/29/2000, 9:19 pm - Re: Scarfs on Millcreek 13
Bill Jankowski -- 5/29/2000, 9:33 am
- Re: buy the plans