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Re: glassing the coaming question
By:Shawn B
Date: 6/8/2000, 11:02 am
In Response To: glassing the coaming question (peter czerpak)

Hi Pete, It's definitely easier to glass if you can get all of the glass to lay flat when you wet it out. Easier=glass deck, then install coaming.

Having more continuous strands of glass wrapping between adjacent elements will be much stronger. Stronger=install coaming, glass coaming with glass down onto deck, then glass deck. Or glass deck up onto coaming, then glass coaming. Definitely not the easy way to go. Dale Frolander installed the coaming first on his Guillemot Double, due to the design of his coaming riser, but said he probably won't go that route again.

: I am getting close to the point of installing coaming/glassing the deck of my
: SO's Merganser yak. What is the best procedure to follow? Glass deck
: first, then install vertical wood strip coaming, then glass coaming OR
: install coaming, glass coaming, then glass deck?

: PS. The coaming that I'm using is made from 0.25" by 2" by
: 0.75" birch and purpleheart pieces with hopefully steambent
: laminations of the same in 1/8" thickness strips for the coaming rim.

I can't wait to see the photos!


Messages In This Thread

glassing the coaming question
peter czerpak -- 6/8/2000, 8:13 am
Pete's Birch/Purpleheart Strips *Pic*
Shawn B -- 6/8/2000, 11:37 am
Re: Pete's Birch/Purpleheart Strips
peter czerpak -- 6/8/2000, 12:07 pm
Re: Pete's Birch/Purpleheart Strips
Larry C. -- 6/8/2000, 6:36 pm
Re: Oh yeah, well...
Shawn B -- 6/9/2000, 12:01 pm
Re: Oh yeah, well...
peter czerpak -- 6/9/2000, 12:25 pm
Re: Oh yeah, well...
Rehd -- 6/9/2000, 9:31 pm
Another coaming lip approach
mike allen ---> -- 6/8/2000, 7:40 pm
Re: Circular vs. angled coaming ends
Shawn B -- 6/9/2000, 12:00 pm
coaming roaming: I'm moaning
mike allen ---> -- 6/9/2000, 2:30 pm
Re: glassing the coaming question
Ross Leidy -- 6/8/2000, 11:25 am
Re: glassing the coaming question
Shawn B -- 6/8/2000, 11:02 am
Re: glassing the coaming question
Dale Frolander -- 6/8/2000, 9:21 pm
Re: glassing the coaming question
peter czerpak -- 6/9/2000, 8:08 am
Re: glassing the coaming question
Greg Hicks -- 6/8/2000, 10:37 am