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Re: Circular vs. angled coaming ends
By:Shawn B
Date: 6/9/2000, 12:00 pm
In Response To: Another coaming lip approach (mike allen --->)

This would be easy for an oval or circular coaming, but for Guillemots (and I think Redfish designs, too) that have pointed ends, it would be hard to wrap the lamination around the corner.

: Instead of weaving the butt joints, I think a more uniform rendering is
: achieved by starting the 1/8" strip w/ a long(say 3in) taper. Then
: make sure the ends are randomly spaced around the circumference( so
: they're not readily found), but all you have to do is keep winding and
: winding until the desired width is reached. The last end can taper back to
: itself say at the back. Aside from this last taper, or maybe even
: notwithstanding, I think it will be hard to find the joints or see where
: it starts or stops. Obviously no fitting is required, and is easy for us
: dumber folks. A nice uniform consistent result.

: (I'm using the approach shown on that recessed coaming dwg)

: -mick

Messages In This Thread

glassing the coaming question
peter czerpak -- 6/8/2000, 8:13 am
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Shawn B -- 6/8/2000, 11:37 am
Re: Pete's Birch/Purpleheart Strips
peter czerpak -- 6/8/2000, 12:07 pm
Re: Pete's Birch/Purpleheart Strips
Larry C. -- 6/8/2000, 6:36 pm
Re: Oh yeah, well...
Shawn B -- 6/9/2000, 12:01 pm
Re: Oh yeah, well...
peter czerpak -- 6/9/2000, 12:25 pm
Re: Oh yeah, well...
Rehd -- 6/9/2000, 9:31 pm
Another coaming lip approach
mike allen ---> -- 6/8/2000, 7:40 pm
Re: Circular vs. angled coaming ends
Shawn B -- 6/9/2000, 12:00 pm
coaming roaming: I'm moaning
mike allen ---> -- 6/9/2000, 2:30 pm
Re: glassing the coaming question
Ross Leidy -- 6/8/2000, 11:25 am
Re: glassing the coaming question
Shawn B -- 6/8/2000, 11:02 am
Re: glassing the coaming question
Dale Frolander -- 6/8/2000, 9:21 pm
Re: glassing the coaming question
peter czerpak -- 6/9/2000, 8:08 am
Re: glassing the coaming question
Greg Hicks -- 6/8/2000, 10:37 am