Date: 6/12/2000, 8:21 am
: Now my new problem is self inflicted. I used a heat gun to help level out the
: epoxy while putting on the second filler coat of epoxy on the newly
: fiberglassed hull. To much heat!!!! Some wrinkles formed that won' go
: away. Is there any possible way to repair this? Or do I just have to live
: with it? It is only a visual problem but it's bugging me. Lesson learned -
: don't use a heat gun. The only reason I used it was because it was only
: about 58 degrees and the epoxy was going on too thick evan though I heated
: the epoxy with a space heater first.
Scrape, scrape, scrape (use $10 sandvick carbide scraper) and then sand, sand, sand. maybe some epoxy after all this to fair them out a bit if needed.\
Pete czerpak albany, ny
Messages In This Thread
- wrinkles in fiberglass
Mike -- 6/12/2000, 3:05 am- Re: wrinkles in fiberglass
Hank -- 6/12/2000, 8:41 am - Re: wrinkles in fiberglass
peter czerpak -- 6/12/2000, 8:21 am - Re: wrinkles in fiberglass
lee -- 6/12/2000, 7:53 am
- Re: wrinkles in fiberglass