Re: bansawing wood strips
In Response To: bansawing wood strips (John Schwab)
: My western redwood is 12' x 2" x 6" I intend to cut my strips on a
: bansaw. I'm not much of a wood worker, and for the life of me I don't see
: how one person could do this safely let alone keep the strips stright.
: Will you guy's hilp me?
A helper is always nice, find a buddy or a neighbor.
I would modify the bandsaw table slightly. A larger table (in/out feed extensions) a long (6-8') straight 2x4 for a long fence (this really will help a lot) and a couple of feather boards to hold the stock up tight to the fence.
The only other tip I have is if you have a resaw blade use it, you'll get a better cut.
Messages In This Thread
- bansawing wood strips
John Schwab -- 6/10/2000, 11:49 am- Re: bansawing wood strips
Jim McCool -- 6/12/2000, 2:10 pm - Re: bansawing wood strips
Jason -- 6/12/2000, 2:05 pm
- Re: bansawing wood strips