Date: 6/15/2000, 12:29 am
Jeeeez, eye candy! Nice job, bee-uti-ful! But them stands...hmmmm.
: ~4 weeks ago, just after completion, I put my kayak on display in the atrium
: display. It got lots of oohs and aahs, especially from the designers from
Of, course! It's a work of art...
: love the lines of the boat. One idjit, though, would have knocked it off
: the stands, had a friend of mine not been there to catch it.
OOOHH! Do I know that feeling!!!!!!!!! Our first boat: we had taken the deck and hull parts out and arranged them on the front lawn, went in and got the camera, and something said QUICK, RUN (!) out to the front. Intuition, a handy thing, for a little dolt of a kid materialized from nowhere and was about to step into the fragile hull... it was a close thing... I still shudder with the memories...
: Dean
Messages In This Thread
- Outer Island on display *Pic*
Dean Trexel -- 6/14/2000, 8:23 pm- Re: Outer Island on display
RM Dalton -- 6/15/2000, 3:12 pm- wow
mike allen ---> -- 6/15/2000, 12:50 pm- Re: Outer Island on display
Charles Cooper -- 6/15/2000, 12:02 pm- Re: Outer Island on display
Spidey -- 6/15/2000, 11:05 am- what a show off
Jay Babina -- 6/15/2000, 9:32 am- Re: Outer Island on display
Ross Leidy -- 6/15/2000, 9:22 am- Re: Outer Island on display
Tig and Tink -- 6/15/2000, 12:29 am- Re: Outer Island on display
Rehd -- 6/14/2000, 10:13 pm - wow
- Re: Outer Island on display