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Re: Hatch Gaskets
By:Larry C.
Date: 6/17/2000, 8:33 pm
In Response To: Re: Hatch Gaskets *Pic* (Erez)

: Hi Gary,

: sorry I didn't put all the details in the first place. I thought it was
: obvious. well, I guess it was just obvious to me.

: Ross was my inspiration (too) for the hatch bungies. He wrote some article a
: while ago. I think it was for "notes from our shop" by clc, I
: read it & my opinion about it was positive. well, it's not positive
: anymore.

: the hatch covers are hard to remove & install because of the tension of
: the bungies. but I can't reduce the tension because I need it to pull the
: cover against the neoprene. but don't loose your scale here, it's hard to
: place & remove the covers, but it's not a BIG deal, it's a LITTLE
: deal. It's something I would live with if it would seal, but it doesn't.
: so hell with it.

: (think about another advantage: I can contradict Ross without starting a war
: 8-) )

: The catch is.... that probably many builders are using the bungy system,
: & I didn't hear any problems about leaks.... so what did I do wrong ?
: I don't know 8-/ but it's in my web page, so check it out, maybe you'll
: find something. Let me know.

: I don't have time & scanner to mess with images in my site right now, so
: look in Ross's site for the complete description. My bungies are very
: similar to his, as far as the position in the hull.

: I used 4 wooden hooks on every cover, & not 2, like Ross did. no big
: deal.

: I do have in my page the images & description of the wooden hooks, so
: check it out & email (or post here) if you have questions.

: I recommend pygmy's locking system, they are nice & flat & the lock
: itself is stainless steel. I didn't installed them though, yet ! just got
: them yesterday. pygmy charged me $30 for the strips & fittings &
: screws & all the little parts.

: another advantage of the pygmy system is that they have 3 locks on every
: hatch, so it fits my survivability theory: if one lock per hatch breaks,
: you can still make it with 2.

: I hope the attached image works. It shows the tools I used for the wooden
: hooks, & the wooden hooks on different stages during their creation.

: Erez

Erez, Just got back from The No Octane regatta and I have hands on experience with Ross's hatch system. It rained very hard all morning and someone ask Ross about keeping water out of the compartments. He opened a hatch and there was no leakage even after a deluge of heavy rain. The finger hole on the strip deck made for easy opening and the single strap on each side held the hatch securely. I'm convinced.

What I did on my Coho was drill the holes for the Pygmy straps but made them undersized for a tight bungee with a knot on the inside. I have been paddling, rolling, etc. for 3 seasons (this is 3rd.) with the bungees as hold downs and I dont have any leaks yet. My intention was to buy the straps from Pygmy if the bungees did not work. That is why I drilled the holes where the straps shoud be. If I decide to use straps some day, snip the bungees and install the straps but for now I like the non leaking system I have.

Larry C.

Messages In This Thread

Hatch Gaskets
Michael Brokenshire -- 6/16/2000, 8:28 pm
Re: Hatch Gaskets
Erez -- 6/16/2000, 10:27 pm
Re: Hatch Gaskets
peter czerpak -- 6/19/2000, 10:26 am
Re: Hatch Gaskets
Erez -- 6/19/2000, 6:31 pm
Re: Hatch Gaskets
peter czerpak -- 6/20/2000, 7:29 am
Re: Hatch Gaskets
Gary B. -- 6/17/2000, 12:41 am
Re: Hatch Gaskets *Pic*
Erez -- 6/17/2000, 4:41 am
Re: Hatch Gaskets
Larry C. -- 6/17/2000, 8:33 pm
Re: Hatch Gaskets
Michael Brokenshire -- 6/18/2000, 3:10 pm
Re: Hatch Gaskets
Ross Leidy -- 6/18/2000, 6:31 pm
Re: Hatch Gaskets
Larry C. -- 6/18/2000, 4:54 pm
Re:what the hell did I do wrong ?
Erez -- 6/18/2000, 5:47 pm
Re:what the hell did I do wrong ?
Larry C. -- 6/18/2000, 6:37 pm
Re: I'll do it !! thx.
Erez -- 6/19/2000, 6:22 pm
Re:what the hell did I do wrong ?
Erez -- 6/19/2000, 6:21 pm