Boat Building Forum

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Another Way
By:mike allen --->
Date: 6/21/2000, 12:34 am
In Response To: Re: Broken screw attaching stem band (Ken Sarkozy)

: Larry, Excellent idea! I was all set to try it but then decided to sleep on
: it. Today I decided to buy another piece of stem banding and start over. I
: really need a screw at (or very near) the location of the one that broke
: off. So while I'm waiting on UPS, I guess I'll busy myself rubbing out the
: varnish.... Thanks everyone for your suggestions. This is a terrific
: bulletin board!.

: Ken Sarkozy

Another possibility is to get a narrow say brass tube that is just greater diam than the diameter of the screw shank. Sharpen one end w/ a file making like little teeth. Like a tiny hole saw. Chuck it in the drill and using the broken screw shank as a centre, drill the whole sucker out right thru to the inside.Throw away the whole ass'y. Fill the hole w/ some epoxy scum and rescrew.


Messages In This Thread

Broken screw attaching stem band
Ken Sarkozy -- 6/18/2000, 4:59 pm
Re: Broken screw attaching stem band
Erez -- 6/20/2000, 5:03 pm
Re: Broken screw attaching stem band
Ken Sarkozy -- 6/20/2000, 7:05 pm
Re: Broken screw attaching stem band
bob -- 6/18/2000, 6:04 pm
Re: Broken screw attaching stem band
Rehd -- 6/18/2000, 5:28 pm
Re: Broken screw attaching stem band
Larry C. -- 6/18/2000, 5:26 pm
Re: Broken screw attaching stem band
Ken Sarkozy -- 6/19/2000, 10:52 pm
Another Way
mike allen ---> -- 6/21/2000, 12:34 am