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Re: I had two once!! ALMOST!
By:Ian Johnston
Date: 6/24/2000, 1:45 am
In Response To: Re: A good wife ? I can't have one! (Julie Kanarr)

Hi Julie,

: Then again, being single, I don't have to justify how I spend my free time
: and spare cash!

Yup, this thought keeps me warm at night too!! {:o) I would trade all my money and most of my free time to spend my life with a special woman. It would just be a bonus if we shared an interest in kayaking.

: *Though the Gideons in my previous community always used to invite my wife to
: their annual pastors' appreciation dinner -- "Dear Pastor, You and
: your wife are invited....." ... I hadn't realized how progressive
: they were!!!

LOL!! Go for it! The shock value would be phenominal. I did this type of thing at a company Christmas party once. I got an invitation addressed to "Ian and Guests" so I thought I would bring ALL my friends and then I remembered that I didn't have any so I got two female aquaintences to be my dates. The look on the manager's and owner's faces were priceless not to mention the reactions from their wives! It was interesting that all the men were patting me on the back while all their wives simply glared at my two dates. Of course this could have been because their husbands kept asking my dates to dance, to which they politely refused while they fawned all over me. {:o)

I never did straighten out their mis-conceptions, I just allowed their imaginations to run away with them. Must have worked well because they still talk about it and I haven't worked there for years.

Thanks for reminding me of that, I hadn't thought of it in awhile! {:o)


Messages In This Thread

A good day
Charles Cooper -- 6/23/2000, 10:06 am
Re: A good day
Tig and Tink -- 6/24/2000, 1:33 am
Re: A good day
Tony -- 6/26/2000, 2:48 pm
Re: A good day/great new way to put in the coaming
Tig and Tink -- 6/26/2000, 11:34 pm
Re: A good day/great new way to put in the coaming
Shawn B -- 6/27/2000, 2:12 pm
Re: An entire advertising campaign
Ross Leidy -- 6/27/2000, 2:55 pm
Re: A good day ( O.T.)
Rehd -- 6/26/2000, 11:24 pm
Re: A good day
Mark A Kopp -- 6/24/2000, 5:05 pm
Re: A good day
Rehd -- 6/24/2000, 1:53 am
Re: A good day
Don Beale -- 6/23/2000, 11:26 am
You tell her??
Dale Frolander -- 6/23/2000, 9:49 pm
Re: You tell her??
Ralph Wight -- 6/26/2000, 2:58 pm
Actually yes
Dale Frolander -- 6/27/2000, 12:26 am
Re: You tell her??
Tony -- 6/26/2000, 2:43 pm
Re: You tell her??
JohnT -- 6/26/2000, 12:23 pm
Re: A good day
Shawn B -- 6/23/2000, 2:05 pm
Re: A good day
Julie Kanarr -- 6/23/2000, 11:03 pm
Re: A good day
Mike Hanks -- 6/25/2000, 10:49 am
Re: A good day
Shawn B -- 6/27/2000, 2:07 pm
Re: A good day
Mike Hanks -- 6/27/2000, 4:30 pm
Re: Port Townsend Accomodations (R2K) *Pic*
Mike Hanks -- 6/28/2000, 4:15 pm
Port Townsend Accomodations
Julie Kanarr -- 6/27/2000, 9:14 pm
Re: A good day
Don Beale -- 6/23/2000, 7:26 pm
Re: A good day
Ross Leidy -- 6/23/2000, 10:17 am
Re: A good day
Tony -- 6/23/2000, 1:19 pm
Re: A good day
Ross Leidy -- 6/23/2000, 3:03 pm
Re: A good wife, I have found
Mike Hanks -- 6/23/2000, 11:00 am
Re: A good spouse, I have found
Liz Leedham -- 6/27/2000, 8:12 pm
Re: A good wife ? I want one.8^)
Rehd -- 6/23/2000, 11:03 am
Re: A good wife ? I can't have one!
Julie Kanarr -- 6/23/2000, 1:12 pm
Re: I had two once!! ALMOST!
Ian Johnston -- 6/24/2000, 1:45 am
Re: I had two once!! ALMOST! *Pic*
Shawn B -- 6/27/2000, 2:05 pm
Re: Spousal appreciation *Pic*
Joe Greenley -- 6/27/2000, 4:41 pm
Re: Spousal appreciation/ Ex's too!!
Ian Johnston -- 6/28/2000, 3:13 am
Re: A good wife ? I can't have one!
Rehd -- 6/23/2000, 1:26 pm
Re: psycos & stuff
Erez -- 6/24/2000, 12:07 am
Re: A good wife ? I want one.8^)
Mike Hanks -- 6/23/2000, 12:18 pm
no freetime in the forseeable future
Dean Trexel -- 6/23/2000, 12:52 pm
Re: no freetime in the forseeable future
Rehd -- 6/23/2000, 2:01 pm
Re: A good day
andy clifford -- 6/23/2000, 10:27 am
Re: A good day
Dean Trexel -- 6/23/2000, 10:52 am
Re: A good day
Rehd -- 6/23/2000, 10:59 am
Re: A good day
Rehd -- 6/23/2000, 10:43 am